87R4. For the purposes of paragraph u of section 87 of the Act, a prescribed amount is any amount deducted under subsection 5 or 6 of section 127 of the Income Tax Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. 1 (5th Suppl.)), other than the part of that amount that may reasonably be considered to be related to(a) an amount that is a qualified expenditure, within the meaning of subsection 9 of that section 127, and that is, for the purposes of the definition of that expression, an expenditure made after 30 April 1987 and before 10 May 1996 or a proxy amount computed by reference to an expenditure incurred as salary or wages before 10 May 1996; or
(b) an amount that is a flow-through mining expenditure or a flow-through critical mineral mining expenditure, within the meaning assigned to those expressions by subsection 9 of that section 127.